1976 – March/Maart

Maart/March 1976
No 146



Gedurende die boekjaar 1974-75′ het passasiersreise met 15,4 persent vermeerder en het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens altesaam 2 776 267 passasiers op sy internasionale en binneland­se dienste gedra.

BEDRYFSRESULTATE – Inkomste het met 33,2 persent van R177 239 569 tot R236 065 981 en die- uitgawe met 30,4 persent van R174 431 234 tot R227 430 476 gestyg, wat ‘n wins van R8 635 505 opgelewer het teenoor ‘n wins van R2 808 335 die vorige jaar.

ROETES EN DIENSTE - Met ingang van 1 April 1974 is 16 dienste per week na die Verenigde Koninkryk en plekke in Europa onderneem. Elf van hierdie dienste waarvan sewe in Londen, twee in Frankfurt, een in Rome en een in Athene geëindig het, is met Boeing 747′s geëksploiteer. Vanaf 1 Julie 1974 is 17 vlugte per week onderneem. Die Boeing 707-diens op Donderdae na Amsterdam is dear ‘n Boeing 747-diens vervang en ‘n bykomende Boeing 707-kombidiens is op 6 Julie 1974 na Brussel ingestel.

DIENS NA DIE VERRE OOSTE – Met ingang van 26 Junie 1974 is ‘n nuwe weeklikse Boeing 707-diens tussen Johannes­burg en Hongkong oor die Seychelle-eilande ingestel.

NA RHODESIë - Twee Hawker Siddeley 748-dienste per week is met ingang van 1 1 Februarie 1975 tussen Johannesburg en die Victoriawaterval ingestel.

NA MAURITIUS/MALAGASSIE - Die weeklikse Boeing 737-diens tussen Johannesburg en Mauritius oor Tananarive war Air Madagascar namens die SAL geëksploiteer het, is met ingang van 1 April 1974 gestaak, en van daardie datum is die diens deur die SAL met Boeing 707-vliegtuie oor Durban na Mauritius gcëksploiteer.

Die tweede weeklikse diens op Sondae tussen Johannesburg en Mauritius oor Durban is tot 25 Mei 1974 voortgesit, waarna Reunion as ‘n bykomende landingsplek op die heenreis ingesluit is terwyl die vlug op Dinsdae van Mauritius na Johannesburg ook op Reunion geland het. Vanaf 1 November 1974 is Reunion ingesluit as ‘n aandoenplek in beide rigtings slegs op (lie Sondagvlug na en van Mauritius.

BINNELANDSE DIENSTE – Die daaglikse Boeing 747-dienste tussen Johannesburg en Kaapstad en die tussen Johannesburg en Durban is met ingang van 1 April 1974 deur Boeing 707-vlieg­tuie vervang. Verskeie bykomende Boeing 727- en Boeing 737-dienste is ook vanaf dieselfde datum oor hierdie roete ingestel. Vanaf 1 November 1974 is die getal Boeing 707-dienste tussen Johannesburg en Kaapstad van drie tot vyf per dag (behalwe Saterdae) vermeerder.

Op 1 Desember 1974 is die daaglikse retoervlug wat deur Air Cape namens die SAL geëksploiteer word, verder verbeter toe die Dakota-vliegtuie deur Hawker Siddeley-turbineskroefvlieg­tuie met 40 sitplekke vervang is.

Die eksploitasie van die SAL se Hawker Siddeley-dienste tussen Kaapstad en Windhoek oor Alexanderbaai is op 1 Februarie 1975 na Suidwes Lugdiens oorgeplaas.

Twee Lockheed L100-vragdienste per dag (Maandae tot Vrydae) is vanaf 1 Oktober 1974 onderskeidelik tussen Johan­nesburg/Durban/Port . Elizabeth/Johannesburg en Johannes­burg/Port Elizabeth/Durban/Johannesburg ingestel.

Met die oog op groter produktiwiteit is die sitplekrangskik­kings van die Boeing 727- en 737-vloot van vyf na ses Tangs mekaar verander, waardeur 20 persent meer sitplekke per vliegtuig beskikbaar is.

Teen die einde van die jaar het die SAL 527 passasiersdienste per week dwarsdeur die Republiek en Suidwes-Afrika geëksploi­teer, vergelyke met 4511 die vorige jaar. Drie en sestig van hierdie dienste is met Boeing 707′s, 275 met Boeing 727′s, 169 met Boeing 737′s en 20 met Hawker Siddeley-vliegtuie onderneem. Hierdie dienste het altesame 63 122 sitplekke per week voor­sien, vergelykc met 47 527 die vorige jaar.

Ten einde die vasgestelde dienste gedurende verkeersdruktes in vakansietye aan to vul, is 26 nie-vasgestelde retoervlugte van, Johannesburg na verskeie binnelandse sentrums onderneem.

LUGVRAGDIENSTE -Die onverpoosde groeikoers van lug­vragverkeer op die binnelandse en internasionale dienste van die SAL het homself weer eens gedurende die verslagjaar bewys. Die totale tonnemaat wat vervoer is het op 42 781 to staan gekom, wat 6 197 of 16,9 percent meer is as die vorige jaar.

Die stadslugvragkantore in Kaapstad, Durban en Port Eliza­beth is gesluit, en die nuwe lugvraggeboue by die lughawens D.F. Malan, Louis Botha en H.F. Verwoerd is onderskeidelik gedurende Junie, Julie en Augustus 1974 in gebruik geneem.

SAAFARI – Gedurende die jaar is die oorsese stasies op die Heathrowlughawe en in Londen, New York, Toronto, Frank­furt, Amsterdam, Brussel, Parys, Zurich, Rome en Athene met die SAAFARI-stelsel gekoppel. Om hierdie koppeling deur SITA te vergemaklik, is twee IBM 2701-oorsendingsbeheereen­hede in Johannesburg geinstalleer.

NIE-ROKERSONES – Nie-rokersones is op alle vliegtuie op die binnelandse en streekdienste ingestel en die bestaande nie-rokersones op die internasionale dienste is na verhouding uitgebrei.

Binnelandse diensteVanweë die verhoging in brandstofpryse en bedryfskoste is die reisgeld op al die binnelandse dienste van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens vanaf 1 November 1974 met 10 persent verhoog.

Internasionale diensteWeens die periodieke stygings in brand­stofkoste gedurende die jaar het IATA ingestem tot verskeie verhogings in lugreisgeld oor roetes binne en tussen die verskeie konferensiegebiede om karweiers in ‘n mate te vergoed.

NUWE UITRUSTING EN FASILITEITE -’n Aansienlike hoe­veelheid voorbereidingswerk is in verband met die komende instelling van die ses Boeing 747SP-vliegtuie gedoen.

PERSONEEL – Teen die einde van die boekjaar was die personeelsterkte van die SAL 8 691 lede.



Towards the end of last year, the Boeing Company’s original factory and office building, the Red Barn, was transported by barge from the Port of Seattle up the Duwamish waterway to Boeing Field. This was a repeat performance of the operation when the B-17 prototype aircraft was moved from the plant to Boeing Field in 1936.

The 65-year old red and white wooden building, was listed in the National Register of Historic places of the United States in 1972, and will be temporarily stored on a two acre triangle of property owned by King Country.

The Port of Seattle which purchased the Plant one property and building in 1970, agreed to save the Red Barn for preservation by the Pacific Northwest Aviation Historical Foundation and at its expense move the Barn to its new site.

For 15 years this Foundation has looked forward to the day when the Red Barn would become the focal point of an aviation museum and park. Under an agreement with the local authority the Foundation has a year to implement the project.

The proposed project includes a museum, utilising several buildings and a park on 11 acres of ground in the general vicinity of the Red Barn’s new home.

It is envisaged that the museum and park complex will be used to serve all sectors of the community such as school children, senior citizens, the handicapped and aviation enthusiasts to name but a few.

The Foundation hopes to have the project ready for the ground­breaking and dedication on 15 July 1976 to coincide with the American Bicentennial celebrations and also because this date is the 60th birthday of the Boeing Company itself.

The historic Red Barn, approximately 19 metres wide, 44 metres long and 12 metres high and weighing 295 454kg has in the meantime been pulled along the waterway on its journey from factory to museum.



Early in October last year young Hylton Appelbaum was scratching his head over his desk,sweating to make some sense out of a Chaucer, but inspiration was slow in coming. Spring was in the air and the Appelbaum household was dominated by the hectic preparations for the press launching of SAA’s new ground hostesses uniform. His mother, Mrs. Freda Appelbaum had not only played an active part in the design of the uniform but her organisation was responsible for the manufacturing of the complete ensemble to clothe the 800 ground hostesses employed by South African Airways throughout the world.

Earlier, when the time came to plan for the official introduction of the uniform to the press, Mrs. Appelbaum, together with Management representatives of South African Airways, decided to stage a fashion parade in the form of a musical revue with the emphasis on the fashion aspect of the uniform.

Sounds simple doesn’t it?

In fact, since the fashions had to be travel fashions, Mrs. Appelbaum had to design a minimum of forty complete outfits and manufacture them, and in between fit them on the eight mannequins who were selected to display the garments. And all this was over and above the fact that production had to go on in a normal way. This was far more interesting than Chaucer to Hylton and between breakfast and lunch, he relieved his mom of one problem and designed the complete travel wardrobe for the show.

While letting his imagination roam over the design board, the year-end university examinations for his final year was casting a cloud of gloom, but a restful vacation on Clifton beach was an inviting prospect and that stimulated the idea to include casual holiday resort wear in the show.

BUT to tie it up with a fashion show for South African Airways? A few days went by until one morning he had to deliver some uniform samples to the airport and a graceful SAA B747 was coming in for landing. The idea had finally fallen into place. He dashed back to the city, made a beeline for the Public Relations office and picked up a “Smiler” poster. Back home he quickly got out his paint brushes and completed the last outfit. Blue and orange coloured slacks and “Smiling Jumbo” T-Shirts.

Hylton Appelbaum’s ties with South African Airways go back a long time. He has watched his mother design uniforms for South African Airways air and ground hostesses since he was only knee high. This is the true example of the proverbial chip of the old block.

Hylton, the creator of the Smiling Jumbo T-shirts, poses between Charmaine du Preez and Ruth Oosterlaak of SAA, Johannesburg who were roped in to pose for the photograph

Hylton has just completed a Bachelor of Arts degree with English as major subject but he has decided to make his artistic talents work for him in the commercial world. (He was the only student to be awarded a distinction for art during the matric examinations in 1970). He has joined his mother in the exciting competitive rag trade. “But I’ll continue to study for a hobby.”

As an introduction into the business Hylton had to start with intensive research into the indiginous flowers of South Africa. What is that all about? “Let’s keep that a secret,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, but knowing this enterprising young man it promises to be something sensational.

We would wish Hylton the best of luck for the future.



Mr. Pieter (Pa) Booyens, a member of the Transport Depot at Jan Smuts Airport, recently featured in an article called “Man Appeal — for walls, tables and floors” published in one of the Johannesburg evening newspapers.

Pieter a large sturdy man with powerful arms and hands has over the past 35 years completed more than 100 tapestries, his first being one of a ballerina.

Included amongst the 100 tapestries, which incidently can be found in the homes of Pieter’s many relatives and friends.from as far North as Tzaneen to Cape Town are many Boy Blues, ballerinas, animals and even one of the Union Buildings in Pretoria which took six months to complete.

His ambition for the future is to make tapestries which have a special meaning to the Republic, as Pieter put it. “For instance one of President Paul Kruger or perhaps one of the Prime Minister and the members of his cabinet.”

During an interview with SAA News, Pieter, or ‘Pa’ as he is known by one and all at Jan Smuts, explained the main requirements for his art. Top of the list of requirements is ‘patience’. “If you don’t have that attribute don’t touch it,” he says. Another trick of the trade to remember is to cut your thread in short pieces, the reason: while working with long pieces the continuous pulling through of the thread causes it to fray against the coarse backing material, giving the work an uneven finish.

Pieter Booyens claims that over the years he has spent several hundreds of Rands on his hobby. In spite of the continual increases in the prices of materials, he is continuing with his tapestries and would like to encourage others to take up this satisfying pastime.

Pieter’s whole family is employed by SAA. His wife works in the flight meal centre and his three sons are employed on the engineering side of the airline. His eldest son is a Flight Engineer.

Our photograph shows Pieter Booyens with one of the fine examples of his work.
It is entitled “Pastorale” and is based on a painting by Francis Boucher.
The tapestry measures approximately 2m by 2m and is the largest one that Pieter has made. It took six months to complete



Noudat ons ‘n nuwe uniform vir ons grondwaardinne het, het u al ooit daaraan gedink hoe ons verseker dat elke grondwaardin by elke stasie ‘n uniform kry wat haar korrek pas? Die oplossing vir die probleem is nie heeltemal so eenvoudig soos dit klink nie. Kyk bietjie goed na ‘n jong dame, en vra haar dan watter grootte sy dra – en u staan ‘n goeie kans dat haar antwoord sal wees: “Dit hang af.… in sekere kledingstukke dra ek ‘n nommer 14 en in ander weer ‘n nommer 34.”

Aangesien die huidige uitrusting wat aan ons grondwaardinne uitgereik word uit agt hoofdele bestaan, was die praktiese oplossing om iemand na elke stasie te stuur om die uniforms vir elke grondwaardin na te gaan en te verseker dat net die regte groottes aan`die dames by stasies weg van die hoofdepot by Jan Smutslughawe uitgereik word.

Niemand is ‘n beter keuse as mev. Hester Bryer, kleremaakster by die administratiewe klerasie kantoor by Jan Smutslughawe nie.

Altyd opgewek en vrolik het die vriendelike mev. Bryer sedert die begin van die jaar deur die Republiek gereis, om die uniforms aan die grondwaardinne te pas. “Ek geniet dit terdeë. Oral is meisies gretig om die nuwe uniform te sien en hulle is ingenome wanneer hulle dit aanpas.” Mev. Breyer is oorweldig deur die geesdriftige reaksie wat sy sover gevind het.

Mev. Hester Bryer, by haar staatmaker, haar naaimasjien



Passasiers is homogeen. Wat lugrederye betref, is hulle almal liggame van naastenby dieselfde grootte. Lugvrag aan die ander kant, het alle groottes, vorms en fisiese eienskappe.

Passasiers is bewegend. Hulle neem hulleself na en van lughawens met geredelike gemak, en, as hulle eers by die eindpunte is, is hulle gewoonlik daartoe in staat om self na en van die vliegtuig te loop. Maar lugvrag is passief. Dit wissel in sy vereistes vir hantering, soos vir gevaarlike materiaal, of vir produkte wat omgewingsbeheer vereis.

Passasiers verkies gerieflike dagligv{ugte. Vragverskepers ver­kies aandvlugte om saam te val met die afhaaltyd aan die einde van die werksdag en aflewerings aan die begin van die dag.

Passasiers wil sonder tussenlanding reis. Lugvrag gee nie om om een of twee maal te land nie. Die verskeper se belangstelling is by die totale deur-tot-deur-tydsduur wat aan sy afhaal- en afleweringsvereistes voldoen.

Passasiers vlieg gewoonlik retoer. Lugvrag is basies ‘n eenrig­tingreisiger. Dit beteken dat passasierslugrederye outomaties met redelike gemak hulle bedryf kan balanseer, terwyl lugvrag­karweiers nuwe markte moet ontwikkel om balans te verkry. Hierdie onderskeid beteken dat passasiersbestuur ‘n effektiewe bemarkingstaak kan verrig deur slegs op een oorsprongpunt te konsentreer, terwyl die bemarking van lugvrag aan albei kante van die vlug moet konsentreer om die mark te ontwikkel.

En ten laaste, (alhoewel passasiers wat by kaartjiestoonbanke deur ‘n verskeidenheid van reisgelde gekonfronteer word, mag verskil) passasiersreisgelde is eenvoudig in vergelyking met die reuse-verskeidenheid van lugvragtariewe wat oor die jare heen opgebou is.


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