1967 – Januarie Nuus

Januarie/January 1967

No. 37



Gedurende November 1966 het die S.A.L. se buitelandse bestuurders in Johannesburg byeengekom vir die jaar­likse vergadering met die Bestuur. Die aktiwiteite van die afgelope jaar is in oënskou geneem, probleme uitgestryk en aangeleenthede vir die komende jaar is bespreek. Op die foto verskyn van links na regs: VOOR: V. P. Harrison, Johannesburg; Reg Brett, Rome; L. van der Walt, Publisiteits- en Reisdepartement; D. de Villiers, Publisiteits- en Reisdepartement; C. E. Crocker, Bestuurder Rekenpligte en Algemeen; M. Larkins, Tariewebe­stuurder; D. Kirkwood, Bestuurder, Ver­keersbedryf; N. S. Louw, Verkeersbe­stuurder; F. J. Swarts, Beplanningsbe­stuurder; D. M. Beaton, Handelsbestuur­der; A. M. Conradie, Bestuurshoof; J.B. Bester, Verkoopsbestuurder; H. H. Buchner, Assistent-Verkoopsbestuurder; J. C. Marais, van Rensburg, Afdeling Verkope, Johannesburg; P.J. van Rensburg, Bestuurder, Openbare Skakeldienste; J. H. O. Grobbelaar, Verkoopsont­wikkelingsamptenaar; A. S. Cronje, Besprekingsbestuurder; L. J. Jordaan, New York; J. Hewston, Zurich. AGTER: H. J. A. Delport, Sydney; J. J. Ferreira, Amsterdam; W. J. Nothling, Salisbury; M. Britz, Luanda; M. Louw, Parys; M. Lenhoff, Las Palmas; W. J. J. Hurter, Madrid; J. J. van der Watt, Lissabon; P. V. Kruger, Athene; I. Linneveldt, Afdeling Verkope; O. J. von Abo, Frankfurt.



Onlangs het ons ‘n foto geplaas van die Administratiewe­gebou to Jan Smutslughawe, nadat drie addisionele verdiepings aangebring is.

Nou het hierdie gebou, wat prominent langs die nasionale hoofweg tussen Pretoria en Germiston geleë is, tot sy volle reg gekom met ‘n spoggerige S.A.L.-kenteken en vlae van sowel die Republiek as van die S.A.L.



The following extract from a letter, which incidentally was not addressed to S.A.A., was recently forwarded to us.

“My flight from Johannesburg to Lisbon on November 3, 1966, on South African Airways with Captain Lourens, Chief Steward Joubert, Stewardesses Zara and Bierman was a most memorable one, in that I received the best service experienced on my trip around the world. We may have flown around the ‘bend’ but who is conscious of that at 36,000 ft. elevation where the bumps are literally non-existent.

“Will you please be kind enough to see that the foregoing message regarding my pleasant flight on S.A.A. is transmitted to the Director General.

“In making the above comparison, I might add, I am a perfectionist according to my friends and somewhat of a sophisti­cated traveller.”

Congratulations to Captain Lourens and his crews for having earned this fine compli­ment for S.A.A. By the nature of their duties, air crews, cabin staff, counter staff and a few other grades that have direct contact with the public, automatically form the front line in our “Earn More Smiles” campaign and it is only to be expected that they should get “mentioned in despatches”. We would, however, like every member of the staff to share the praise contained in letters of appreciation we will publish from time to time, because it is only through the combined effort of every member of the staff that we can offer the public the standard of efficient and friendly service for which S.A.A. has become known.



The South African public recently donated R10,000 worth of medical and other emergency supplies to Italy for flood relief.

The consignment of 3,800 kilos was flown to Italy free of charge by South African Airways.

A part of the consignment from South Africa on arrival at Rome Airport.



‘n Pamfletjie onder die opskrif „Vlieg oorsee vir ‘n appel en ‘n ei met die S.A.L.” waarin 16 uitsoektoere in die agt stede in Europa op die S.A.L.-roetes aangebied word, is onlangs dour die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens uitgegee.

Hier is nou werklik droomvakansies teen die spreek­woordelike appel en ei.

Die stede wat besoek kan word is Lender, Parys, Frankfurt, Zurich, Lissabon, Madrid, Rome en Athene: Teen uiters billike koste kan hotelverblyf en besigtigingstoere gereël word. Die koste sluit ook vervoer in albei rigtings tussen die lugdienseindpunt en die hotel in. Interessant is veral die aantal toere wat aangebied word. In Londen sluit die reisplan plekke in sees Buckinghampaleis. Westminster­abdy, Trafalgarplein, Fleetstraat, die Toring van London en St. Paul’s-katedraal. Vanaf Rome kan selfs ‘n daglange toer na Capri onderneem word teen net R16-00 per persoon en in Athene as die dae to vol word, kan ‘n nagtoer deur die stad onderneem word.

Dour middel van die S.A.L. se 19 – 45 daagse ekskursie­reisgeld in die ekonomiese klas en die uiimuntende afstap­geriewe, bled hierdie toere die reisiger ook die geleentheid om by ander opwindende Europese stede aan te doen, teen weinig of geen bykomende reisgeld nie.

Die S.A.L. bied hierdie fabelagtige vakansiewaarde vanaf September reg dour tot aan die einde van Mei -’n tydperk wat ‘n poor van die beste maande vir ‘n besoek aan Europa insluit, wanneer die natuurskoon op sy mooiste

… reis op sy maklikste . . . en die besigtiging van die Europese wonders op sy aangenaamste is … en wanneer die gedrang in hotelle afneem en reisigers ‘n groter verblyf­keuse het teen ‘n geringer koste.



There is no world as fascinating as that which exists in man’s mind. This world of imagination has been the crea­tive drive behind man’s achievements from the beginning of time.

The invention of cinematography opened up a new field for the artist, allowing him through the magic of cine, to bring to life the world of his imagination.

Cinematography has been the hobby of Mr. Ronnie Campbell, Instrument Technician at Jan Smuts Airport, for the past seven years and he has made excellent progress, especially in the field of cartooning. Cinematography basically works on the principle of filming a series of single drawings one by one, which are transformed into a moving picture on the screen.

Ronnie’s first film, “A Man’s Best Friend”, which took six months to complete, has already won several top awards. It involved almost 4,000 single frames. Keeping in mind that virtually every frame is a separate drawing, one can imagine what immense task this must have been. His second film, “Introduction to a Symphony in Synchronization” won the highest 8 mm. award for South Africa in an International Salon. Mr. Campbell’s third film is already well on its way and will entail approximately 25,000 single frames. He has spent more than two months in preparing a scale model of a model A Ford truck, down to the minutest detail for this film.

Although cartooning is his prime interest, Ronnie, who possesses a natural flare for drawing, also completed a colouring book for children and an illustrated book entitled ‘The Great Mousafsky’.



Here are some ways on how to improve your golf score:­

1. Check your score with your caddy – he’ll usually agree with you.

2. Make up your mind what you’re going to get on the hole before you shoot – determination is a good thing!

3. Only count the times you hit the ball squarely – the other times were practice shots anyway.

4. Shoot two balls and take the best one – this improves your game too!

5. Don’t count lost balls – isn’t it bad enough that you lost the ball?

Any resemblance the aforementioned tips may have to the golf habits of some of our colleagues is more than coincidental.



In die proses om die vakansieverkeer teen die einde van Desember die hoof te bied, het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens meer as 40 spesiale vlugte gedurende die tydperk 10 Desember tot 2 Januarie op die binnelandse roetes ingestel. Vin hierdie doel was van elke tipe vliegtuig in die S.A.L. se vloot-Boeing 707, 727, DC-7B, Viscount en Dakota – gebruik gemaak. Die grootste vraag na sitplekke was op die roetes Johannesburg- Durban en Johannesburg – Kaapstad; terwyl ‘n aantal bykomende dienste ook tussen Port Elizabeth en Plettenbergbaai onderneem moes word.

In ooreenstemming met die normale gebruik is sekere vlugte op die binnelandse, streek- en buitelandse roetes oor Kersfees en Nuwejaarsdag ingetrek.

Die personeel word geluk gewens met die wyse waarop hulle hierdie groot taak behartig het en dit sal hulle interesseer om te weet dat nuwe rekords opgestel is vir die vervoer van passasiers op die binnelandse dienste geduren0e Desember 1966.

Altesaam het 66,790 passasiers van die binnelandse dienste gebruik gemaak teenoor 53,655 tydens Desember die vorige jaar. Dit verteenwoordig ‘n toename van 20.3 persent.



Tydens die konferensie van oorsese bestuurders wat onlangs in Johannesburg plaasgevind hat, is mnr. A. M. Conradie, Bestuurshoof, wat die vergadering vir die eerste keer bygewoon hat, by geleentheid van ‘n gesellige aandete welkom geheet en terselfdertyd is daar afskeid geneem van mnr. D. M. Beaton, Handelsbestuurder, wat hierdie jeer met pensioen aftree.

Mnr. Conradie aan die woord met mnr. Beaton tweede aan sy linkerkant.



The closing of the Badminton Section at Avion Park for the Christmas recess marked the end of another success­ful year.

At the Annual General Meeting, which was followed by an enjoyable social evening to celebrate the end of the season, the following office bearers were elected for the following year:­

Chairman: MR. W. S. (BOB) DU TOIT. Secretary: MR. F. OLIVIER.

Treasurer: MRS. A. NORTJE.

Committee: MRS. R. DU PLOOY.

Members: MESSRS. R. ROSS and J. MARAIS. Beginners and new players continue to swell the ranks of the club, bringing the total membership to date to 46.

SEATED (L. to R.): Ronnie Ross, Bob du Toit, John Cook. STANDING: Denis du Plooy, Eddie le Roux. ABSENT: L. P. Vermaak.

With three courts to play on, there is room for more. Members of the staff who are interested in joining, should contact any one of the aforementioned committee members, or attend club evenings on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 7.30 p.m.

In the competitive field, the club made a name for itself by winning both the 4th League mixed and 3rd League men’s events. Other team entries gave a very good account of themselves, in particular the men’s and ladies’ second teams which finished second in their leagues.

SEATED (L. to R.): Glynnis King, Bob du Toit, Ella Retief. STANDING: Ronnie Ross, John Cook. INSET: Ruth du Plooy.


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