A website for all employees who worked for SAL-SAA during the period from 1934 to the late 1990′s when SAA had those distinctive “orange tails”. Certain areas of this site are open but you’ll find that most areas are only accessible by registered members of the Orange Tail Association. New members can join by clicking on the “Please create an account to get started” button on the right >>
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Pics from the Neil Haasbroek Tribute will be posted under the tab on the main menu marked “Neil Haasbroek” as we receive them from all of you who attended. You can mail your pics to [email protected]
(click HERE for the banking & PayPal details)
ALL GROUND STAFF: Alta Venter (GM at Lindsay Saker Motors) sponsored your 2014 membership fee.
ALL FLIGHT CREW: For the flight crew wanting to bring their 2014 membership up to date, or anybody wanting to contribute to the PSF (Pensioner Support Fund), our Banking details, PayPal info, and payment options are always permanently displayed on the website, even without having to log in.
Guess where? On the above menu under the tab that says “MEMBERSHIP FEE”.
* To help keep friendships and memories alive
* To assist through our Pensioners Support Fund
All photos, info & news are behind menus in 2 areas of this page:
MENU 1.) At the top of this page you will find rows of GREY MENU BUTTONS (17 buttons), each containing mainly photos. When you click on each of these buttons, they will in turn open “sub-menu’s” which each contains more pictures and information. (here is a total of 124 buttons just waiting for you explore what lies behind them!) NOTE: These sub menu buttons may not function correctly if you view the website on a smart phone of tablet, as the website was developed to be viewed on a normal computer.
MENU 2.) On the right hand side of this page are the “RECENT NEWS” menu buttons marked 01 – 15. When you click on the word button of your choice, it will open the latest news. In each menu, the latest news always appears at the top of each page.
YOUR USERNAME: As from 1 February 2014, your e-mail address becomes your USERNAME. It is therefore imperative that you are registered with your correct e-mail address. If you ask our admin staff, they will gladly make the changes for you, should you experience difficulty in doing it yourself. (You still have a choice of logging in with your old Username as well).
YOUR PASSWORD: If you forgot your password, simply attempt to log in with what you think might be the password. If not correct, the website will automatically take you to a page where you can select a new password of your choice. For security, this password will be e-mailed to you. Perhaps a good idea to then make a note of it somewhere.
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Nina (van der Merwe) Burger (SAA a/h 1971--1978) said on May 15, 2014
Neil, jy lyk so mooi, net soos jare gelede. Hoe kry jy dit reg om so jonk te bly. Ai, ek hoop ek kan ‘n volgende reunie bywoon, sal almal so graag weer wou sien.
~Vaughan Griffin *Pilot* 1970-2004 said on April 26, 2014
Enjoy retirement Don! I’m still not ready for it !
Enjoying and having lots of fun on the B738 @ Mango!
Joycie and I are still very happy in the Crags near Plett farming macadamia nuts.
OK ! Yes she is looking after my nuts!!!!
Thank GOD for the DA running the WP!!!
Best regards
~Gail (Strauss) de Waal (a/h1974-1980) said on April 8, 2014
Thanks all on the feedback for Gus Ferguson – it wasn’t him walking on the beach but he did come round to say hi and is looking good, and looking up, and still the same Gus we all knew back then!
~Sharon (McDermid) Glisson (SAA a/h 1977--1999) said on April 5, 2014
I am saddened by the news of the passing of Chris van Bergen and Richard Strickland. Richard is indelibly imprinted in my memory as I did some of my first flights with him. He was a character next to none, and a very good teacher. Fantastic fun to work with and a sharp sense of humour. Chris was always kind and gentle and a good listener. May they rest in peace.
Vernon Vermeulen 1960--1993 said on March 30, 2014
Hi Joppie, Dit gaan goed en ek sal probeer om meer gereeld van my te laat hoor.
Het so bietjie probleme met die rekenaar gehad maar dit is nou hopelik uitgesorteer.
Groete Vernon
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on March 30, 2014
Goed om jou hier te sien Vernon. Kom loer meer gereeld hoor! Joppie.
~Don Pengelly *Pilot* 1978--present said on March 28, 2014
Hellooo folk, 3 more pay cheques then I’m going fishing in Perth w/Aus to join my gals / Julia, Jess & Donella .
They are all Aus citizens now
Best regards and happy days ,
Regards from Don P
~Terry Demmer (SAA Flt Eng 1976-2004) said on March 28, 2014
Hello Don,
Fantastic! Something to really look forward to.
I wish you and the girls happiness and good health.
Terry and Rusty.
~Ray (Loubser-Palmer) Till (SAA a/h 1970--1990) said on March 28, 2014
Hi there Don,
Long time no see. Gary and I were in Perth last October…. Would have looked you up if I had known you were there. If per chance you ever in Durbs again please look us up. Enjoy you last few flights and a Happy retirement. Gary and Ray and Boys
~Clair Fichardt (SAA Capt 1968--2003) said on April 1, 2014
Hi Don
Enjoy your last three months and pass on Jan and my best regards to Julia. Wishing you a very happy retirement and life in Perth, far away from the Gupta’s and Nkandla!
Best regards – Clair
~Derrill Papendorf (Technical) 1963-2005 said on April 1, 2014
Hi Don,
Its been a long times since I last saw you.
Thanks for the friendship and the squash while working in Bloemfontein.
Those were very good days.
A happy and long retirement in Australia and enjoy the fishing.
Derrill Papendorf
~Frikkie du Plessis *FEO* 1974-2004 said on April 4, 2014
Enjoy and good fishing.Dup
~Enid van Heerden (SAA a/h 1981--1997) said on April 15, 2014
Wow, we are getting old. I cannot believe you are retiring already. Please say hi to Jules. Enjoy retirement. Safe landings. Enid
~Sheila (McAdam) Barlow 1983-1993 said on March 28, 2014
Hi Joppie
Please check that my membership was paid yesterday.
~Frikkie du Plessis *FEO* 1974-2004 said on March 6, 2014
Hi Joppie.Dit is nou tien jaar van dat die FEO weg is by SAL .Maar dit is goed om
te weet dat ons in kontak kan bly deer die Oragetail web site laat dit goed gaan.
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on March 9, 2014
Dankie Frikkie. Bly jy geniet dit. Laat weet maar gerus as jy nuus hoor van enige oud FEO dan deel ek dit hier.
Karl Jensen (SAA Capt 1965--2003) said on April 2, 2014
Hey Doep – still playing ATC at Margate? Unfortunately can’t use Margate this year – dragged away to Bethlehem
~Frikkie du Plessis *FEO* 1974-2004 said on April 4, 2014
Yes.It is sad that it was dragged away from Margate..There will be new airport manager in place at the end of May .Hope to see you soon. Jo and Graham send there regards.
~Leo Commandeur (SAA f/s 1981--1989) said on February 28, 2014
Hi Joppie ! i paid $30 for my membership by PayPal today. i hope you will receive it ! wonderful that you are keeping the site going ! we had a very mild winter this year.
god bless and greetings, leo
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on February 28, 2014
Many thanks Leo. Paypal did inform me. Your support of the Association is very much appreciated.