SAA Boeing 727
B727 Cockpit during flightTo fully open each pic, simply click on the picture.
1. CLICK TO VIEW A VIDEO OF > Boeing 727 hotel in Costa Rica
2. CLICK TO VIEW A VIDEO OF > B727 lands without Nosewheel
3. CLICK TO VIEW A VIDEO OF > B727 Cockpit during flight
3 responses to SAA Boeing 727
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Pier Hemy (f/s) SAA:1979--1998 said on August 24, 2013
The rear galley on the SP was nice and private – when it wasn’t waggling from side to side like a horny salmon going UP a Canadian waterfall…
Pier Hemy (f/s) SAA:1979--1998 said on August 24, 2013
I used to love working on this aircraft so much I would volunteer to fly on my offdays – but ONLY if was a 727. Greg Harrison (Co-pilot in those days) used to say the aircraft climbed like a “homesick angel”….
~Steven Flattery 1978--1981 said on August 10, 2013
Loved these pictures! This was my favourite aircraft to work the galley besides the rear galley in the SP. Like the 737 it was tiny and I (much to the sometime annoyance of my crew members) preferred to operate the galley solo – with a tea trolley across the door. Reason was, I did not want anyone hurt or burnt when we collide in the small space. It worked well, with them asking and me handing them what they needed. Never had an accident in that galley. Also had some fun with the cockpit pushing the plane to its limits rolling on the main gear and dropping the nose to the deck at the last minute. Not to mention the hairy takeoffs from Bulowayo ten feet above the huts until we were doing a few ton – then lifting to the clouds so steep your jaw opened and your eyes closed!!
It was a great time!!