MEMBERSHIP DUE DATE: You may have seen in June that we changed our annual membership due dates, and that it is now spread over the year, to ensure an ongoing income for this fund.

The NPF – Needy Pensioners Fund: The NPF fund was started in 2006, when we became aware of the plight of several of our ex colleagues who were going through hardships as a result of lack of finances. Little did we know back then what a huge role the Orange Tail family might be playing in the lives of some of our older colleagues. We have over the years had to place several of our members in homes and or institutions where they could receive special care. We work very closely with New Beginnings and with Gerar Care Centre where they receive specialised help.
~Willem Grobler *Capt* 1971--1994 said on March 30, 2013
Joppie, i’d also like to sponsor a brick on the Needy Pensioners Fund. “Capt” Willie Grobler.
~Tubby Boshoff (SAA Flt Eng 1970-2002) said on October 18, 2012
How does one sponsor a brick. Pse reply on e-mail or whatever.