Our monthly expenses includes:
* Salary for our half day secretary,
* Telephone calls & sms’s,
* Internet cost, website hosting fees, website development expenses.
* Flowers & cards at funerals etc.
* Office expenses such as stationery etc
Without your assistance the Orange Tail organisation would not be able to function at all and for many their only contact with ex crew will come to an end.

A large percentage of our membership can not afford the membership fee, and are sponsored by other Orange Tail members. Many of our senior members do not even have their own computer, and only access the website when they visit friends and family with an internet connection. This is their only way of staying in touch with other Orange Tailers, and we want to thank all of you that can afford it, for so magnanimously making it all possible for the less fortunate members. In this regard I particularly want to mention Linda Rainsford and Alta (Mertz) Venter who every year sponsors a large amount of Orange Tailers, as well as contribute to the NPF. Many thanks for your assistance.

Many thanks also to the Orange Tail members who unselfishly each year contribute an amount to the NPF fund. And then a huge THANK YOU to those of you who contribute a “brick” a month to our NPF “Wall Of Support” . A brick is for a R50 per month debit order towards the NPF (Needy Pensioner Fund). We will soon have our ”wall of sponsors” up on the website with your name on your bricks. Without your generous assistance we could not support the needy pensioners out there. Many thanks to ex hostesses Linda Rainsford and
We will never ever block access to the website for anybody that can not afford to pay the R10.00 subscription. All we ask is that if you can not afford it, that you please inform us. Rather than blocking your access to the site, we will then find someone willing to sponsor you for the year (highly confidential). But please inform us if you can not afford the R10.00 per month, by sending an e-mail to
[email protected]
For Banking details please go back to the “MEMBERSHIP FEE” tab on the main menu, and see the applicable menu sub tab.
~Ronald Lessing. (SAA f/s 1974--1999) said on April 8, 2013
Hi, I paid mine towards the end of last year. Do I still have any outstanding amounts?
Orange Tail Admin said on April 9, 2013
Hi Ron, your 2012 payment was so close to the end of the year, that we took it to include 2013 as well. Your certificate should be on its way to you today. Many thanks for your support. – Joppie.
~Ray (Loubser-Palmer) Till (SAA a/h 1970--1990) said on April 5, 2013
I paid on the 9/10/2012 and am quite happy to pay again. But are the banking details still the same: Account of J. Nieman?
Elize (Jooste) Boyens (a/h SAA:1971-1974) said on March 21, 2013
I asked somebody to pay my fee into the bank how can I check they did not forget to do it
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on April 17, 2013
Hi Elize, we double checked again.
If they did pay, they did not give your name as reference.
We did receive a few “anonymous” payments from all over SA.
Please check with them when (and where) they made the payment, and we will allocate the “anonymous” payment to you.
Thanks for your support.
~Leon Pretorius 1970--1972 said on January 6, 2013
Sorry for the delay!
I had gotten used to paying during the months of November/December in the past.
I see I’m now due during July??!!
Well, OK – just don’t do this too often. OK?
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on April 17, 2013
Hi Leon, yes this caused so much confusion for all, that we reverted back to the Jan-Dec membership year. Thanks for your support.
~Irene (Stoffels) Graupner (SAA a/h 1983--1997) said on October 14, 2012
Hi Team. I last paid R120 in Nov 2011, not sure if the new payment structure by First Name basis puts me in arrears. I paid R200 today – if I’m due, sorry it’s late, if not then give it all to the pension fund
Thanks for all the great memories. Cheers….Irene (Stoffels) Graupner
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on April 17, 2013
Hi Irene,
The change in the membership year by First Name basis caused so much confusion that we reverted back to the old annual system (January – December). This resulted in many crew, especially those paying towards the end of the year, only making one payment for both years!
Thanks for your support of the Orange Tail association!
~Ray (Loubser-Palmer) Till (SAA a/h 1970--1990) said on September 20, 2012
I will send R1500.00 to cover my fee plus the rest for NPF but please send the banking details is it is not the same as last year.
~Joppie Nieman (SAL-SAA 1971-1981) said on April 17, 2013
Ray, your fantastic annual support to the Orange Tail association is always appreciated. Many thanks.